CONTENT: HCG 2000IU, 1 vial of 2000IU
Humanes Choriongonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone produced by the placenta in the pregnancy is produced in women. This hormone is excreted from the body in unchanged form together with the urine. It is then extracted, purified, and used to create drugs of which it is included. Human - Chorion - Gonadotropin has biological properties similar to that of luteinizing hormone (gonadotropin hormone or gonadotropin). The latter is formed in the pituitary gland of the human brain.
HCG effects
Stimulates the Synthesis of sex hormones in the testicles, that's it same Range of effects like Testosterone.
Stimulates the Spermatogenesis.
Strengthens the development of genital organs and secondary sexual characteristics.
At Women it stimulates the production of progesterone by the yellow body, provokes ovulation, supports the development of the placenta.
HCG side effects
When taking HCG can You will experience the same side effects as when taking testosterone. The use of gonadotropin in large doses or for a long time leads to an inhibition of the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, in their context the function of the physiological axis of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicle is interrupted. Large doses (2000-5000 IU) are recommended no longer than 20 days, although according to Michael Scally, MD and a number of studies, desensitization of the testes does not occur when the dosage Does not exceed 500 IU or hCG becomes administered less than 3 times a week This protocol can also be considered safe for 1-2 months.
HCG and bodybuilding.
Distribution in bodybuilding gonadotropin was due to its ability to Testosteronee increase in the body. As a result chorion - Gonadotropin is used as an anabolic agent for muscle mass gain. In addition, this drug is sold as part of the PCT and used for weight loss.
HCGand weight loss.
One of the British scientists during his research has proven that chorionic Gonadotropin can be used for weight loss. At the same time, the muscle mass is maintained. According to the scientist, the drug is able to target the hypothalamus effort program the fat stores, and the muscles stay before the Katabolismus protected . According to the scientist's recommendations, 125 mg of chorionic gonadotropin should be taken daily (this is a small and safe dose). That's the way it is necessary , a low-calorie diet too observe - no more than 500 kcal per day. This diet is used in many specialized Practiced centers for weight loss. However, such a diet requires the use of adequate amounts of vitamins and protein.