Cytover T3


Condition: New alternative to: Liothyronine (T3)

Category: Keyword:


CONTENT: Cytover T3, 50mcg (50 pills)

Cytover is the trade name of the drug Lyotonin Sodium. It is not an anabolic steroid, but a thyroid hormone. In medicine, it is used in cases of thyroid disease, obesity, metabolic disorders and fatigue. More precisely, this agent is a pharmaceutical preparation made from the natural thyroid hormone, triiodothyronine (T-3). When taking Cytover the process of metabolism of the patient is accelerated. The Result is an increased cellular activity, which is expressed in a faster processing of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. This drug is very popular with athletes as it causes the burning of excess fats in the body promotes . In preparation for the competition, with Cytover, you can significantly reduce body fat,

Side effects of T3

Cytover T3 can cause some side effects on the body:

• diarrhea;
• tachycardia and high blood pressure;
• diseases of the bones;
• Heat;
• Dry mouth;
• increased sweating;
Severe nerve disorder

In addition, the thyroid gland can be weakened by the adverse side effect of the drug, which can manifest itself in the event of an overdose. Some athletes may find themselves in a rash. The drug should only be prescribed by a knowledgeable specialist doctor or a professional sports doctor.

How to use

Receive T3 , start with 50mg per day, 2 times a day for 25mgg . In the morning, take 25 mg of metoprolol - a beta blocker that eliminates heart congestion and heartbeat when the pulse rate over after lunch 70 Beats is. In a minute of rest, then take another 25 mg.
Gradually you need to lower the dose 150300 mkg per day, increase 3 times a day.
Metoprolol dosages are selected individually, the pulse rate at rest should be 60-70 ud be. in one minute. Be sure to reduce the dose of T3 when there is pronounced pobochki. Do not take T3 abruptly, lower dosages smoothly, 2 weeks before the end of the cycle, until the drug is completely stopped.

Effects of the cytavirus triiodothyronine:

- Burning fat
- Accelerated metabolism
- suppress appetite
- Increase in physical ability to work
- Stimulating effect on the central nervous system
- Reduced need for sleep