

Condition: New alternative to: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix)


CONTENT: Sustabol, 10ml vial (250mg/ml)

Sustabol 250 is a brand of British Dragon Pharmaceutical company based on a blend of four of the most effective testosterone esters, one form of oil. In the sum of this mixture, a very powerful steroid with high anabolic and androgenic levels comes out. Produced of Sustabol in ampoules and in vials, the price of the drug depends on the method of packaging, the ampoule is always more expensive because of its practical applicability.

The main area where it is used is in the practice of sport. Athletes use steroids to build muscle and strength, as well as speed recovery from heavy exercise, endurance, and other purposes. Initially, Sustabol was created as a drug used to treat certain types of tumors, postmenopausal women, and to stimulate gonadotropin function in men.

Useful effects and action

In the description This steroid drug is it first necessary to say that each form of testosterone that is part of its base has a different rate of absorption, which makes it possible to maintain constant and high levels of anabolic hormones in the blood. Also, this property is useful because it relieves the athlete of the need to inject frequent injections: as a result, the drug lasts for a long time enough (up to three weeks), therefore within the limits of the sport, its Injections are usually set weekly.
However, not a single long and identical action is one of the advantages that Sustanon can boast, because they also have several and above all different positive effects:
• The drug provides a rapid increase in body weight due to the synthesis of proteins;
• have a noticeable anti-catabolic effect;
• Promotes increased appetite;
• Increases the number of red blood cells in the blood, improves hemopoiesis;
• Increases the transport of oxygen in the body;
• Sensitive increases strength and increases endurance;
• During the course promotes increased libido;
• Improves mood and general vitality. • During the course promotes increased libido; • Improves mood and general vitality. • During the course promotes increased libido; • Improves mood and general vitality.

Application and dosage

SUSTABOL- Injections are done once a week. The optimal Dose is 500 ml, but some athletes who have already had a positive experience of using anabolic steroids increase the volume to 1000 ml.
The reception of Sustanon lasts 6-8 weeks . As the duration increases, it is better to use gonadotropin to make natural sex hormones.
At the end of the course, it is advisable to drink “Clomid” therapy after the course.

Side effects

Sustanon Like other similar anabolic androgenic steroids, different people can affect different people in different ways. This means that the effects of the drug cannot only be positive. Ignorance of the rules of intake and dosage can lead to adverse reactions:

- water retention, swelling;
- loss of hair;
- Acne (Acne);
- gynecomastia;
- increased aggression;
– Depression;
- nervousness;
- problems with the prostate;
- often - prolonged painful erections of the penis (priapism);
- decrease in the number of spermatozoa;
- premature sexual development in adolescents;

Learn more about Sustanon and the best sustanon 250 price by professional bodybuilders.