

Condition: New alternative to: Turinabol (4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone)


CONTENT: Turinover, 10mg (50 pills)

Turinover , the trade name of the drug, under the packaging of which nothing more than the good old Oralturinabol from the leader of the pharmacological industry of MoldauVermodje is .
Issued in tablets, sold in blisters for 25 tablets, tablets are round, tabs placed embossed with a triangle in the middle - an unmistakable symbol of vermode. The Active ingredient is 4-Chlorhydromethyltestosteron in a tablet.
Turinover is one of the most researched steroids in the world. Since its founding in the GDR in the 1960s, oralturinabol has become the number one endowed in the training of German athletes and athletes on whom the research was carried out.

How to use

The dosage the tourist tip depends on the results you want, but the optimal one is the following: for men 20-50 mg / day , for women - 10-20 mg / day . As shown in the steroid's instruction manual, the drug does not result in significant fluid retention in the body, but it does provide a noticeable increase in strengths with the accumulation of significant muscle mass.
Compliance with the recommended dosage allows to avoid the occurrence Side effects and get great results. For building dry muscle mass, male athletes are recommended to combine the reception of the tourist guide vermoja (50 mg / day) with Winstrol. The drug decomposes quickly and is eliminated from the body with urine in a few days. Turinover Course on strength and endurance only includes 20-40 mg of the drug per day.

Side effects

Possible Side effects with RT are usually dependent on dosages or individual characteristics. In women, the symptoms of verification are possible if the dosage is exceeded in 20 mg / day and with prolonged use. In men, as mentioned earlier, side effects associated with estrogenic activity become rare observed . Since chlorodihydro-methyl-testosterone is alkalized by 17-alpha, it is advisable to monitor the functional state of the liver to avoid possible disturbances. For all other things FROM Concerning steroids, the reception does not require long intervals between courses, for example, at the reception reception more than 6 weeks there are no negative effects.


Perhaps don't you think better than the results of the Olympian . Many Soviet and East German athletes with the help of this particular substance have achieved their amazing results. Reviews about Turinover Vermodje can easily be found on the internet, and our forum is an endorsement. After having experience taking anabolic steroids, athletes share it with their personal impressions and results.
Modern reviews of Turinover only confirm its good reputation. The increase in strength and speed after the first few weeks of taking the drug reaches 10-15%. This means that the athlete gains new weights and horizons.
reviews from Turinover out Vermoja under the drying effect are also gratifying. With the drug, you can not use additional fat burners. Numerous statements in the network also confirm its security. Very rarely there is a negative impact on the athlete's body or an individual intolerance of the active ingredient. A high anabolic index and the effectiveness of the drug allow athletes to leave only positive opinions about it. With the help of it, you can be guaranteed to increase strength and endurance, as well as gain quality muscles. Of course, while observing the regime of intensive training and sports diet. A high anabolic index and the effectiveness of the drug allow athletes to leave only positive opinions about it. With the help of it, you can be guaranteed to increase strength and endurance, as well as gain quality muscles. Of course, while observing the regime of intensive training and sports diet. A high anabolic index and the effectiveness of the drug allow athletes to leave only positive opinions about it. With the help of it, you can be guaranteed to increase strength and endurance, as well as gain quality muscles. Of course, while observing the regime of intensive training and sports diet.